The mantra of all affiliate marketing gurus, is to find “your niche”, in order to become successful. Our niche is “Family”: it takes the love of a family to launch each new generation along the road to success.
My aim is to expose everyone to new ideas and technologies. The future is in the hands of our children and we neglect their ability to confidently grasp the new technologies at our own risk.
I believe a healthy mind is sustained by many interests: Neglected stories and untold histories; Scientific innovation, exploration of the planet and our universe.
The exposure of music and literature which broadens the mind and explains the historic context which gave birth to the concept.
The future will be shaped by people with the ability to “think outside the box”. Progress and innovation develop in fertile minds: my life would be worthwhile if at my final hour I knew that I had planted the seed of curiosity. Always question everything you read or are told; never take information at face value.
In a world where I am rapidly being consigned to history, I have found a title for “My Niche”.